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Frequently Asked Questions

When are Property Taxes Due in Texas?

“When are property tax due in Texas” is an often asked question. There is a simple answer and then there exceptions.
Let’s start with the simple answer:

Texas property taxes are due on January 31st. Property taxes for 2024 are due January 31, 2025. This rule applies in
~97% of cases.

Exceptions to the property tax payment deadline occur when:
1) The property was protested, and the appraisal district or appraisal review board did not complete the hearing in
time to send a tax bill by January
1. Property taxes are due the later of: January 31 or 30 days after the tax assessor collector mails the property tax bill.

2) The appraisal district has not valued the property. There are two primary reasons the appraisal districts will be
delinquent is valuing property:
a) it is complex and does not meet their routine valuation models or
b) the property has been split into a number of smaller parcels and the appraisal district has not “split-out” the
“parent tract” into a number of “child tracts”.

Let’s review the Texas property tax calendar to provide perspective.

Texas Property Tax Calendar

January 1
Effective date of valuation. Improvements constructed after January 1 are not taxable in the current year.

March / April / May
Appraisal districts send notices of assessed value if they revalue property.

May 15th
Deadline to file a property tax appeal.

May to September
Appraisal district and appraisal review boards conduct hearings.

September / October
Tax entities set tax rates

November / December
Tax entities send tax bills

Property tax payments are due the later of January 31 or 30 days
after the tax bill is mailed.

texas property taxes

Property Owner Has Right to Protest Late Assessments​

The Texas Tax Code provides the owner a right to protest the value each year.  The property owner still has this right even if the appraisal district is two or three years behind in valuing some property.  There are no penalties or interest since property taxes are not due.

Assessment of Split-Outs Can be Years Late

“Split-outs” are the most typical situation for property tax assessments to be a year or two late. Yes, we have seen a number of such cases.  It can cause havoc when a land developer has purchased a large tract of land, and a builder has built houses and a home buyer has purchased a house. It is impossible to prorate property taxes since the initial property tax assessment has not been determined.

Tax Due Date for Late Assessments

In cases of late assessment, the property owner has 30 days after the notice of assessed value has been sent. The appraisal review board is then responsible for noticing a hearing. The appraisal review board is responsible for sending notice of hearings results after the hearing. Finally, the appraisal district will send “supplemental tax roll records” to the relevant tax entities. Then the tax entities send tax bills. Property taxes are due 30 days after the tax bill is sent, even if it is 10 years after when taxes would have initially been due (I have not seen a tax assessment that late). There are no penalties or interest provided the property taxes are paid within 30 days of when the tax entity sends the tax bill. Property owners are responsible for paying property taxes even if they do not receive the tax bill, provided the taxes are owed. (If the assessment / appeal process is not complete taxes are not due.) However, if the tax bill is sent to the wrong address or lost in the mail, property taxes are still due.

What are my property taxes?

Property taxes in Texas are local taxes that provide the largest source of money to local governments. Local governments use this money to pay for schools, streets, roads, police, fire protection, and many other services. Texas law establishes the process followed by local officials in determining the value for the property, ensuring that values are equal and uniform, setting tax rates, and collecting taxes.

Texas has no state property tax. The Texas Constitution and statutory law authorizes local governments to collect the tax. The state does not set tax rates, collect taxes, or settle disputes between you and your local governments.

What happens if you don’t pay property taxes?

If we don’t pay taxes in Texas initially, you will incur an immediate penalty of 6% of your original tax bill on the first business day of February, 1% interest rate per month for each month it goes unpaid in full until June 30th, and an additional 2% penalty from July 1st.

What is the property tax rate in Texas?

Property taxes in Texas is the seventh highest in the U.S. The average effective property tax rate in Texas is given as 1.69%.

What states have no property tax?

Property taxes are local taxes that provide the largest source of money local governments use to pay for schools, streets, roads, police, fire protection and many other services. Texas law establishes the process followed by local officials in determining the value for property, ensuring that values are equal and uniform, setting tax rates and collecting taxes.
Texas has no state property tax. The Texas Constitution and statutory law authorizes local governments to collect the tax. The state does not set tax rates, collect taxes or settle disputes between you and your local governments.

At what age, do seniors stop paying property taxes

The Texas Tax Code, Section 33.06, allows taxpayers 65 years of age or older to defer their property taxes until their estates are settled after death.

Age 65 or older and disabled exemptions: Individuals aged 65 or older or disabled residence homestead owners qualify for a $10,000 residence homestead exemption for school district taxes, in addition to the $25,000 exemption for all homeowners. If the owner qualifies for both the $10,000 exemption for age 65 or older homeowners and the $10,000 exemption for disabled homeowners, the owner must choose one or the other for school district taxes. The owner cannot receive both exemptions.

Optional age 65 or older or disabled exemptions: Any taxing unit may offer an additional residence homestead exemption amount of at least $3,000 for taxpayers aged 65 or older or disabled.

What determines property tax

Texas levies property taxes as a percentage of each home’s appraised value. So, for example, if your total tax rate is 1.5%, and your home value is $100,000, you will owe $1,500 in annual property taxes.

Property Tax Protection Program Benefits