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ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

WebbCAD 2021 GIS / IT Summary

The Webb County Appraisal District is responsible for determining the values that are included in property taxes. Accordingly, the total market value of taxable property is valued at $29 B, generating approximately $803 M in property taxes in 2021. Webb CAD was allocated $6 M for the purpose of fully valuing properties of over nine different tax entities, including municipalities, schools, MUDs, and others. In all, there are about 177,011 tax parcels, many of which undergo annual evaluations.

Webb CAD funds the county’s representation with your taxes.

The protest rate for multifamily unit's value was 73% in 2021, and for commercial BPP it was 62%, but only around 6% of Webb County resident properties appealed. Due to the uncertain nature of the tax appeal process, it's advisable to appeal annually. Don't miss another deadline; enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™ now. You won't pay anything unless your property taxes are lowered.

Webb County Appraisal District GIS / IT Summary

Full-Time Staff for Mapping NA
Full-Time Staff for IT NA
Full-Time Staff for Customer Service NA
Number of Tax Parcels 177,011
$ for Contract Appraisal Services $190,000
$ Computer Aided Mass Appraisal $168,500
$ GIS $20,000
$ Aerial Photos $79,851