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TravisCounty Tax Appraisal – 2021

Travis CAD's budget increased 21% between 2013 and 2021, from $13 M to $21 M. Once you split that up between each parcel they need to evaluate, you'll find that their budget only accounts for $124 per tax parcel.

What Can $124 Do?

Even though their budget seems really large, it's impossible to pay too much attention to an individual property. Appraisers rely on mass appraisal computer models, but these models can make mistakes and introduce inaccuracies. This means that property owners have an opportunity to appeal the valuation. Property owners in Travis County protest 52% of properties by value, with 93% of apartment owners and 77% of commercial owners making up most of those protests. Unfortunately, only 40% of homeowners appealed their taxes in 2021. Enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™ to get your fair share. You'll only pay if we succeed in lowering your taxes.

Travis County Appraisal District Property Tax Budget Summary

Total Budget $20,193,893
Budget Not Spent NA
Total Property Taxes all Entities $5,400,995,788
CAD Budget as % of Property Taxes 0.37%
Budget for Legal Counsel, Training and Other Expenses $1,201,325