Thank You for Enrolling
ATTENTION property owners seeking to protest your property tax value:
Thank you for enrolling! Even though the protest deadline for most property owners is May 15, 2019, there may still be time to file your protest! The protest deadline for property owners in Texas is May 15th or 30 days from the date of your value notification from the county, whichever is later. If you have not yet received your value notice from your county appraisal district office, you may contact them to verify the status of your value notice. If your protest deadline has not expired we will be happy to file your protest on your behalf or walk you through the process of filing your own protest, depending on how much time remains prior to your deadline.
Please contact customer service at (877)482-9288 or (713)290-9700 to speak with one of our customer support representatives so that we may assist you with your protest.
If you filed your own protest and your hearing is within 10 days of signing up electronically, we cannot guarantee our attendance at your hearing. Please call our office to speak to a customer support representative.
Remember, you may still have time to protest your property tax value! Check with your local county appraisal district or check your Appraisal Value Notice for your correct protest deadline.
Thank you for your business. We look forward to fighting for lower tax values on your behalf.