documents the massive growth in property tax reductions effected by tax consultants and property owners in Texas. Total property tax assessment reductions rose from $55.9 billion in 2012 to $126.5 billion in 2018, a 126% increase in six years. Appraisal districts have become more and more aggressive with their tax values, causing the volume of appeals to increase at all levels. For example, total property tax protests rose from 1.2 million in 2014 to 1.8 million in 2018, a 50% increase.

Assessment reductions for all three types of appeals have increased. This includes informal hearings ($56 to 127 billion), formal hearing / ARB (from $18 billion to 47.6 billion) and judicial (from $8 billion to 22 billion). ARB hearings increased the most on a percentage basis, a 152% increase.

Texas law requires you file a property tax protest to obtain the appraisal district’s evidence file. Upon request, they are required to provide it to you free of cost, and by U.S. Mail if requested.

Just 2,222 appraisers value all the real estate in taxes for property taxes! That includes property inspections and valuation models. That works out to $1.5 billion of property valued per appraiser employed at Texas appraisal districts ($3.49 trillion / 2,222)

Reduction from Property Tax Appeals / Consultants

Counties with the largest assessment reduction from protests include:

Harris $20.8 billion
Dallas 17.5
Travis 9.1
Tarrant 8.8
Collin 6.1

Despite Coronavirus, the Texas property tax deadline is May 15th.

How well do you think each appraiser can value $1.5 billion in real estate?

Protest for 2020 now. The deadline is around the corner.

Protest annually, like changing the oil in your car or the HVAC checkup. Like an untended garden, property taxes grow out of control without attention.

Your property taxes will be aggressively appealed every year by the #1 property tax firm in the country. If your taxes are not reduced you PAY NOTHING, and a portion of the tax savings is the only fee you pay when your taxes are reduced! Many FREE benefits come with enrollment.

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