Texans overwhelmingly believe public oversight of appraisal districts is warranted. They were not aware the current appraisal district boards of directors is comprised only of representatives of tax entities (school, city, county, etc.)

Are you aware the members of appraisal district board of directors are all selected by tax entities? Only 16% were aware tax entities currently select all members of appraisal district board of directors.

The budget for 2021 for Texas appraisal districts was $572 MM. Fully 97.07% believe the public should have a seat at the table in governing appraisal districts. This figure is astounding. Stated differently, 39 of 40 Texas believe public oversight of appraisal districts is warranted.


Few Texans are aware publicly elected members of the board of directors will be selected in 2024. Only 7.62% are aware of elections for member of the appraisal district board of directors in May versus 92.38% were not aware of the elections.


A total of 91.66% believe publicly elected board members for the appraisal district board of directors is a positive step.


Fully 30.41% were interested in receiving information for running for office and serving on the county appraisal district board of directors, for a total of 642 interested parties.

O’Connor will be sending shortly: 1) FAQs on running for board of directors, 2) detailed instructions on qualifications and requirements from the Texas Secretary of State, 3) the application for office and 4) a list of counties with over 75,000 populations.

*Based on 2,114 survey responses. Appraisal district board of director changes apply to counties with population of 75,000 or more.

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