It is probably not possible to remedy the error at this point unless the appraisal district assessed you for property that does not exist. For example, if they assessed you for $90,000 … Read more
I did not receive the notice for my property tax hearing. The appraisal district says they mailed it and there is nothing they can do. Do I have any recourse?
Yes. You can appeal under failure to receive notice, section 41.411 of the Texas Property Tax Code.
I never received my notice of assessed value in the mail. Therefore, I did not protest. However, my assessed value increased sharply. Are there any options to appeal?
Yes. You can appeal under failure to receive notice, section 41.411 of the Texas Property Tax Code
I protested my property taxes including attending the appraisal review board (ARB) hearing. However, I still believe the market value for my property is much less than the assessed value set by the appraisal review board. What are my options?
You can file a judicial appeal or a request for binding arbitration. For most homes, the request for binding arbitration is a more effective and economical option.
I appealed my property taxes last year, and my value did not change. However, my value still seems high compared to the value of neighboring properties. Can I protest this year?
You can protest your property taxes each year regardless of whether the tax assessment changes. Each year, you can protest market value and unequal appraisal.
Is it worth filing for a homestead exemption?
Yes, it typically reduces your property taxes by about 20 percent.