Brazoria County Appraisal District is responsible for accurately valuing the houses in Brazoria County.  Overall, the average, or ideal fair market value, should be extremely close to 100%. This is also called the median. The median is what defines the middle value. In real estate, this value is what the other market values compare to. The houses might be above or below the median market value. In 2020, the median assessed value from the Brazoria County Appraisal District for houses in Brazoria County was 99.2%. This was based on a ratio study of 8,028 house sales prepared by O’Connor in 2019 and 2020. 

Is that 100%? Close, but not extremely close.

Most Houses are Not Valued Accurately in Brazoria County

Check this out.

Out of a study of the 8,028 houses, many houses were far above and below the median value that they are supposed to be at. Here are some facts that were pulled from this study.

  • 4,124 houses were assessed below 100% (that is over 51.3%)
  • 48.6% of houses were assessed above 100% (that is 3,904 houses)

Of the 3,904 houses above market value:

    • 1,288 houses (16.04%) were more than 110% of market value
    • 628 houses (7.8%) were above 120%
    • 406 houses (5.05%) were assessed at more than 130% of the market value

In other words, 5.05% of the houses assessed by the Brazoria County Appraisal District were valued at 30% MORE than what they should be.

This means that you might have one of the houses in that 5.05% that could be paying more property tax than you need to be.

How Can You Make Sure You Are Not Overtaxed?

Brazoria County property owners are strongly encouraged to reduce their property taxes by appealing property taxes annually.  There is no cost to file a protest with the Brazoria County Appraisal District.  The normal protest deadline is May 15th

There are many advantages to appealing property taxes including: 

  1. Reducing your property taxes about 60 to 70% of the time
  2. Obtaining the Brazoria County Appraisal District hearing evidence file to determine if your property is accurately described
  3. Staying current with the true value of your home based on reviewing comparable sales in the Brazoria County Appraisal District evidence package.

No-Risk Option for Tax Appeals; Pay Only for Results

Lucky for you, O’Connor can protest your property taxes without any upfront fee or cost.  The only fee is a part of the savings in the years we successfully protest your property taxes.  O’Connor is the largest property tax consultant in the U.S. We have been helping the owners of over 205,000 properties reduce their annual property taxes.

Are you someone who is overpaying? “Residential property tax appeals with no upfront fees or costs, Click here

For information on the property taxes savings generated by tax appeals of Brazoria County appraisal District valuations, “Brazoria County appraisal District Facts and figures, click here

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