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Brazoria County Appraisal District 2020 Business Personal Property Tax Protest Summary

Brazoria County, Texas property taxes are based on values noticed by the Brazoria County Appraisal District. (They voted to change their name to Brazoria County Appraisal District.) The total market value of taxable property was $62 billion in 2020. Brazoria CAD guesstimates of market value become final if you do not appeal by May 15th. Brazoria County Appraisal District (Brazoria CAD) had a budget of $6.34 MM in 2020 to fully value property in Brazoria County for a total of over 86 tax entities, including cities, schools, MUDs, and other special districts. There are about 233,400 tax parcels, with most revalued on an annual basis.

Brazoria CAD has $1 Billion to Represent Tax Entities - Who is Representing You?

While ~95% of commercial and apartment property value is protested annually, only about 36% of Brazoria County homeowners appeal each year. Not protesting is voluntarily accepting the initial guesstimate of value set by Brazoria County Appraisal District. This initial value is generated using mass appraisal models with imperfect data and a flawed model (depreciation is not accounted for correctly).

Can You Afford a Property Tax Consultant?

Yes, I would argue you can’t afford not to have a property tax consultant for Brazoria County property. Most values are increased with the imperfect mass appraisal model every year. This has been the practice for 20+ years. Most Brazoria County tax parcels are increased every year. You deserve to have someone representing you unless you are appealing on your own. Owners can successfully appeal, but most who do don't appeal annually. Appealing annually is important because the tax appeal process is uncertain due to the human element. Some years appeals exceed expectations while other years are disappointing. We will suit up and show up annually to represent your interests, regardless of your property value. Enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™ today. No flat fees. No upfront cost. Pay nothing unless we reduce your property taxes that year. Enroll today; don't miss another property tax protest deadline.

BrazoriaCAD Business Personal Property Tax Summary

Market Value Business Personal Property $1,417,490,050
Number Business Personal Property Property Tax Protests 1,615