Did you know that Texas property tax code makes special provisions for adults aged 65 or older? According to Tax Code Section 11.13(c), to qualify for the over-65 property tax exemption, a property owner must be 65 or older, and reside in the home as their principal residence.
The primary benefit of the Texas over-65 property tax exemption is that it freezes school taxes on the property, meaning they will NOT go up, even when the property value or tax rate increases. The only reason school property taxes are permitted to increase is when a home is remodeled to include an enlargement or improvement, however repair and replacement of a roof, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is considered maintenance, not improvement to a property.
The tax code also qualifies individuals who are disabled. A disabled person must meet the definition and qualifications under the Federal Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act. A homeowner can obtain either the over-65 or the disability exemption but not both. The disability exemption is available to those legally disabled and has the same outcome as the over-65 exemption. A married couple can obtain one homestead exemption.

With the November 2023 adoption of Senate Bill 2, the Texas homestead exemption for school taxes has increased to $100,000 and those 65 and older will continue to qualify for an additional $10,000, bringing their total exemption to $110,000.
Not only do Texas homeowners over 65 receive the benefit on the school tax portion of their bill, but Texas tax code also requires that local tax entities, such as the city, county, and other special districts provide homeowners over the age of 65 with an exemption of at least $3,000 for taxing units other than school.

To qualify for this exemption the individual must be of age 65 or older. If the individual is interested in this exemption, you must submit proof of your age. This can be done with a copy of your driver’s license or your birth certificate. In cases where the 65 or older homeowner dies, the surviving spouse continues to receive the exemption. However, to qualify, the spouse must be 55 years or older, must live in the house, own it, and apply for the exemption. For a disabled person who is 65 or older, he/she can receive both exemptions during the same year, but the taxing units must differ.

After you turn 65, you have up to one year to apply to your appraisal district.
Once your application is approved by the appraisal district, you will receive the exemption for the entire year you turned 65. Since 2005, you will automatically receive the exemption without applying if your DOB is mentioned on the original homestead application form or any other written document submitted to the appraisal district about your homestead. However, you must be entitled to a general homestead exemption.
Along with the $100,000 for school districts, homeowners over 65 qualify for a $10,000 homestead exemption. If the homeowner qualifies for both age 65 and the disabled exemption, the owner can choose only one among the two for the school district taxes. Both exemptions cannot be received.
County tax
In situations where the county appraisal districts collect tax for flood control and other taxing entities, homeowners are allowed at least $3,000 as an exemption on their county taxes, in some counties the amount may be more.
At the discretion of the taxing unit, an optional exemption can be offered at up to 20% of the value of a homeowner’s residence. This must be decided prior to July 1st of the tax year and the exemption cannot be less than $5,000.
Furthermore, should property owners who qualify for the over 65 exemption purchase or move to a different residence in Texas, they can transfer the percentage of the school taxes paid. This will be based on the previous home’s school tax ceiling and is termed Ceiling Transfer. For this, homeowners will have to relocate within the same taxing unit. If the new house is in a different district, a certificate from the appraisal district for the previous home is required and it must be taken to the appraisal district where the new house is located.
Good afternoon! I have a question regardless on how to apply for homestead for over 65 years and older . Do we have a deadline to apply? I’m going to be 70and my husband is 67
I’m 82 yrs. old. Can I still file for a property tax excemption? For some reason I didn’t know about this when I turned 65.
I moved to Dallas a year ago. I am 72 yrs old. How do I get paperwork to file for this exemption?
Barbara Heimbach
You can apply any year after 65. There is a deadline each year to apply for that year. You’ll get the exemption for that year and 2 years prior.
Yes you can. There is a deadline to apply for each year though. Once approved they’ll give you the exemption for the previous 2 years.
I am 70 years old and my wife is 68 years old. When I turned 65 I mailed in my over 65 exemption paperwork for property taxes. However, it appears Waller county did not receive it and I apparently I do not receive the over 65 exemption. Can I submit the paperwork again and will I receive the over 65 exemption? Also, will the appraised value of my property revert back to 2016 or will it start at 2021 appraised value.
Thank you
You can submit again. Bit I would let them know when you initiate submitted. They go back 2 years. Maybe they could go back 2 yes from the first submission. I submitted mine via the app 2021 bit it never went through. I called and they placed the exemption from 2019.
Can an unmarried couple who co-own each 50% of the property apply for full senior exemption if only one of them is over 65?
Hi, We are both above 65. Can we both husband & wife can claim the senior exemption. Or just one person will qualify for senior exemption. Thanks
Good question. I believe only 1 per each Homestead. Depending on the value of the home, only 1 would be enough to reduce to the taxes to very little if not 0.
If I buy a home in fort worth for $550.000 what would by Texas be if I took the 65 exemption?
I would call the appraisal district for that information with the address or account info.
I am 73 years old,and trying to find out if i still qualify can get any type of property tax exemptions,i really did not know that i could file for exemptions when i turned 65. I am also disable and live on fixed income
Yes. You need to apply before the deadline to receive the exemption for current year and the exemption will apply for 2 previous years.
I am 73 years old,and trying to find out if i still qualify can get any type of property tax exemptions,i really did not know that i could file for exemptions when i turned 65. I am also disable and live on fixed income.i live in Sabine county,East Texas
Yes you can and can only go back 2 years.
My deceased mom has not paid real estate property taxe on her home for more than 20 years due to the exemption she was allowed. Does her estate now owe the back taxes in order to sell the house?
Yes, all back taxes must be paid; plus interest. Unless they’ve changed it, the interest rate is 5%.
I just moved here in May of 2021, please tell me how I apply for all the exemptions I’m afford.
Thank you for you help
I have a question. Our property in Texas borders two counties. We received exemptions for 65 and over and disabled veteran in one county while the other county just sent us a bill for school taxes from that county. I guess my question is does the exemption carry on to the other county seeking school taxes?
I have a question. Our property in Texas borders two counties. We received exemptions for 65 and over and disabled veteran in one county while the other county just sent us a bill for school taxes from that county. I guess my question is does the exemption carry on to the other county seeking school taxes
Approximately 1 yrs ago I bought a house in Venus tx right on the Ellis county, Johnson county line. Part of the lot is in Ellis and part in Johnson county. The dwelling is in Ellis county. I have received taxes from both Ellis and Johnson county.what do I do
Yes you can and go back 2 years. There is a deadline to apply for current year.
Hi, my husband and I have been thinking about moving to Texas. However, the property taxes are so high we could not afford them. My husband is 70 and I’m medically unable to work. If we were to buy a $550,000 house and qualified for all the exemptions, how much would our property taxes be? Thank you for your assistance in this matter!
if we are over 65 should we still file the protest ? is your fee based on the total tax saving –lower $100000 *2.5% total tax rate save $250, or just the tax saving portion since the senior have school tax frozen. so only the city and county portion tax saving.
I’m about to turn 70 is there anytime that I would no longer have to pay school tax? Live in Tarrant county and pay taxes in Dallas as well