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Nueces County Appraisal District 2021 Utility Property Tax Summary

Nueces County Appraisal District finds about 2.3% or the equivalent of $1 billion of their taxable property is owned by electric and gas companies. Approximately 24% of the utility property value was protested in 2021, but little to none of the accounts reached a judicial appeal or binding arbitration.

Are you interested in having us represent your interests?

There were 13% of residential property protests, and utilities accounted for 24%. To make it clear, you don't have to own a utility company to get great representation. Let's chat about it. Sign up for the Property Tax Protection Program™. You’ve got a 65-85% chance of winning your appeal in most years.

NCAD Utility Property Tax Summary

Market Value Utilities $1,102,921,633
Number Utility Property Tax Protests 1,727
$ Value Utilities Protested $262,417,806
# Lawsuits Filed for Utility on ARB Values 0
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Utility Current Year $0