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Midland County Property Tax Protest - Apartments

As a whole, Midland County property tax savings for all types of property were about $62 M in 2021. This included both informal and formal hearings of the appraisal review board. Appeals to the courts, however, are not included in this calculation. State district court judgments saved Midland County property owners another $4 M. This is the result of an increase in the total value of apartments in Midland County from $661 M in 2014 to $1 B in 2021. There was $1 B of multifamily market value and $1 B of protested property taxes in Midland County in 2021.

Apartment appeals VS Homeowners appeals.

In the last five years, apartment owners have seen their property values rise by 118%, which is a phenomenal growth rate over the previous five years. 100% of Midland apartment owners are protesting their assessed property value. Generally speaking, houses represent less than 7% of the tax roll, and only a quarter of them are protested. This seems unfair, doesn't it? In order to even the odds of a successful outcome, O'Connor provides professional representation to any property owner. The services we provide are available without a flat fee, without upfront expenses, without market cut fees, and without any fee unless we reduce your property tax bills. Do not delay - enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™ now!

MidlandCAD Apartments Property Tax Summary

Market ValueMultifamily / Apartments $1,439,467,006
Number Multifamily / Apartment Property Tax Protests 161
$ Value Multifamily/Apartment Protested $1,665,032,438
# Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily / Apartments on ARB Values 12
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily $277,612,038
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Multifamily Current Year $102,003,077