Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700
ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

McLennanCAD 2021 GIS / IT Summary

Property taxes in McLennan County are determined by the value that has been observed by the McLennan County Appraisal District. An estimated $818 M in property taxes will be generated by the market value of taxable property in 2021 as a result of the $30 B market value of taxable property. A budget of $4.37 M was allocated to the McLennan County Appraisal District in 2021 in order to complete the valuation of all the properties in the county. The list included more than 41 tax entities including the city, school, MUD, and other special district entities. Each year, there are approximately 123,674 tax parcels revalued.

Are you thinking about appealing your property taxes?

Only about 14% of McLennan County homeowners appealed their home value in 2021 while 99% of the multifamily value and 56% of business owners protested. Owners can successfully appeal, but most do not. You should have someone represent you, or you may appeal alone. Some years, appeals exceed expectations while others are disappointing. No matter how valuable your property is, we will show up every year to represent you. Become a member of the Property Tax Protection Program™ today! Enroll now; don't miss another deadline.

McLennan County Appraisal District GIS / IT Summary

Full-Time Staff for Mapping NA
Full-Time Staff for IT NA
Full-Time Staff for Customer Service NA
Number of Tax Parcels 123,674
$ for Contract Appraisal Services $66,000
$ Computer Aided Mass Appraisal $160,161
$ GIS $9,900
$ Aerial Photos $75,000