Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700
ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

LubbockCAD 2021 GIS / IT Summary

Lubbock County property taxes are determined by the Lubbock Central Appraisal District, which assesses values for the county. Even though the estimated amount of property taxes for the year 2021 is $737 M, the total market value of taxable property was $27 billion. For property appraisals in the county, the appraisal district's budget was $4 M to value 153,537 tax parcels. The property taxes in Lubbock County fund over 25 tax entities such as cities, schools, and other special districts.

There is a $4 M budget for representing the county. Who represents you?

You can appeal on your own, but it isn’t necessary, you can have a professional represent you. Even though owners can succeed at appealing, the majority of them are not persistent in appealing annually. O’Connor will represent your interests, regardless of the value of your property. It is inevitable that some appeals will exceed expectations and others will disappoint. Become a member of the Property Tax Protection Program™ today. All you have to do is enroll. You will not incur any fees unless we reduce your taxes. You won't have to pay anything unless we lower your property tax for the current tax year. Now is the time to enroll; do not let another deadline pass you by.

Lubbock County Appraisal District GIS / IT Summary

Full-Time Staff for Mapping NA
Full-Time Staff for IT NA
Full-Time Staff for Customer Service NA
Number of Tax Parcels 153,537
$ for Contract Appraisal Services $76,500
$ Computer Aided Mass Appraisal $119,084
$ GIS $20,595
$ Aerial Photos $104,000