Central Appraisal District’s of Johnson County
Local Appraisal District
O’Connor serves more Texas property owners than any other tax consultant because:
- O’Connor knows and uses every potential method to lower your property taxes. Using binding arbitration is a common practice. O’Connor is responsible for paying the deposit, which may or may not be refunded based on the outcome of the hearing.
- We have an in-depth knowledge of what is required to lower your property taxes based on performing millions of tax appeals across Texas.
- A winning combination: relationship evidence files and hearing evidence files loaded with the material the appraisal district is seeking.
- Our proficiency has allowed us to collect sales and uneven appraisal data in a manner that meets the standards established by the Johnson County ARB and the Johnson CAD.
Central Appraisal District (CAD) of Johnson County’s formal and informal hearing results are displayed below:
- Johnson County property tax savings increased from 2022 resulting in $43 million from the CAD in 2023, while the total savings in 2022 was $35 million. In the year 2023, 22 thousand accounts were contested by property owners in Johnson County.
- In 2023, a total of 83% of Johnson County’s informal property tax protests and 53% of the ARB protests were fruitful. Through informal hearings at Johnson CAD, homeowners saved $10 million and around $2 million through ARB property tax protests.
- Johnson County had a 6% rate of properties disputed in 2023.
- The tax savings in 2023 resulting from formal protests for single-family came to $2 million and for commercial came to $4 million.
Save With O’Connor
Average HCAD Tax Savings

Average Property Tax Savings from Protesting (Informal + Formal)
Residential Property
Commercial Property
Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.
Single Family
Commercial / Other
Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.
Single Family
Commercial / Other
2023 County Appraisal District Statistics
Johnson -
Street Address:
109 N. Main St. Cleburne, TX 76033-4941 -
Mailing Address:
109 N. Main St. Cleburne, TX 76033-4941 -
Major Cities:
Alvarado, Briaroaks, Cleburne (county seat, Coyote Flats, Godley, Grandview, Joshua, Keene, Rio Vista
Johnson County Texas totals 734 square miles, with a 2020 population of about 179,927. Adjacent counties include Tarrant County (north), Dallas County (northeast), Ellis County (east), Hill County (south), Bosque County (southwest), Somervell County (southwest), Hood County (west) and Parker County (northwest). The total market value of real property and personal property in Johnson County in 2020 was $19,000,000,000. Webb County 2020 property taxes are estimated to total $314,000 million bassed on an effective tax rate of 2.4% including homestead exemptions. Johnson County property owners protested the noticed value for 2,950 houses and 14,130 commercial and BPP properties. Johnson County Appraisal Review Board appeals were successful for 21% of the owners. Property owner property tax protests in Johnson County results in savings of $1,100,000 million in 2020, or $64.44 per account protested. The 2020 budget for the Johnson was $3,910,000 including 38 employees.
Johnson Property Tax Values