1) Purchase of commercial property in early 2021 for $1,000,000. The appraisal district has the property valued at $1,500,000. You missed the May 15 appeal deadline. Send the appraisal district a 25.25h protest and ask them to revise the value to $1,000,000 based on the sale. This often will work depending on the appraisal district.
2) You own property valued at $2,000,000 in 2020 and raised to $3,000,000 in 2021, a 50% increase. You missed the May 15 appeal deadline. File a protest based on 25.25d of Tax Code; requires the property be more than one third over-assessed and there is a 10% penalty .
3) You own a large amount of business personal property. You have been rendering each year believing that if you render, the appraisal district will set a correct value. In reality, the appraisal district value for heavy equipment, computers, office equipment, phones, and aircraft all tend to be 50 to 100% higher than market value. The only BPP assets reasonably valued by appraisal districts are inventory, and vehicles. O’Connor has appraisers who understand and correctly value BPP. If you have been rendering and accepting the value, it is time to appeal, even if you missed the initial deadline. File a protest based on 25.25d of Tax Code; requires the property be more than one third over-assessed.
4) The appraisal district sent the notice of assessed value to the wrong party, the prior owner. You did not receive a notice of assessed value and did not protest. (This is why we encourage property owners to appeal every property every year, regardless of receiving a notice.) Notify the appraisal district of the error and they should resolve it, by sending a new notice of assessed value which you have 30 days to protest.
Can I still
Protest my property taxes? It is my homestead.