Galveston County Property Tax Trends documents that Galveston County Appraisal District has grown only modestly over the last six years. Neither the total value of property nor the number of parcels has grown sharply. The budget has increased 25% over 7 years, a much more modest level of increase in budget than most appraisal districts. The site has details on number of tax protests, total market value, total taxes levied, value by type of property, number of judicial appeals, number of appraisal district staff, appraisal district budget and much more.

The market value of Galveston County taxable property rose from $28 billion in 2014 to 37 billion in 2018. This is a 32% increase over 5 years; 6% per year. These steady increases are part of the impetus for Senate Bill 2, which caps taxes for school at 2.5% and cities / counties at 3.5% per year for existing property, plus the value of new construction.

Property tax savings from protest hearings at Galveston County Appraisal District (GCAD) have increased sharply: from $18 million in 2013 versus $24 million in 2018. Commercial accounts were reduced $17 million in 2018 versus residential accounts for $7 million. There are more residential accounts protested but the commercial accounts have a higher value.

Galveston County Appraisal District totaled 34.060 protests in 2018. This includes 24,700 residential and 9,360 commercial accounts. Residential accounts for two-thirds of the appeals but for 29% of the savings ($7 million out of $24 million in 2018).

Judicial appeals in Galveston County have been limited, with the exception of a spike in 2018. This spike is based on the property affected by Hurricane Harvey. Judicial appeals ranged from 11 to 29 from 2012 to 2017 before spiking to 414 in 2018. Property tax savings in Galveston County due to judicial appeals have been modest. Judicial appeal tax reduction rose from $0.1 million in 2012 to $2.0 million in 2018. There was a spike of $18.3 million in savings in 2017.

The Galveston County Appraisal District budget rose from $4.8 million in 2012 to $6.0 million in 2018, a 25% increase over 7 years. This averages 3.2% annual increase in GCAD budget, well below the increase in most appraisal district budgets.

The Galveston County ARB increased from 9 from 2012 to 12 in 2018.

The number of appraisers has risen substantial; from 8 in 2013 to 17 in 2018. The number of appraisers doubled but the number of parcels increased only modestly.

2020 property tax deadline is May 15th; deadlines to protest are not extended due to Covid-19.

Visit Galveston County Property Tax Trends to learn more.

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