Galveston Central Appraisal District
Local Appraisal District
More property owners choose O’Connor than any other tax consultant in Texas because:
- O’Connor’s core focus is on cost effective tax reduction. We saved property owners $224 million in 2023. We fight; YOU win.
- Relationships with appraisal district staff help us to understand what is necessary to reduce your property taxes.
- While relationships are important, so is having credible evidence. Proprietary software and databases with over 50 million sales format evidence partially based on the appraisal districts thinking on evaluating evidence.
- O’Connor has professional and experienced staff to aggregate the sales and uneven appraisal data necessary to fulfill the criteria of the Galveston ARB and Galveston CAD.
Galveston Central Appraisal District’s (CAD) formal and informal hearing results are displayed below:
- Compared to the $102 million in total property tax reductions in 2022, Galveston CAD saved $118 million in taxes overall in 2023. In 2023, property owners in Galveston County protested the taxable value of a total of 71,740 accounts.
- In Galveston County, 82% of property tax appeals to the Appraisal Review Board (ARB) were successful, while 56% were successful via informal means. Through informal protests at Galveston CAD and ARB, homeowners were able to save $30 million and $28 million, respectively.
- From 2021 to 2023, there was a continuous rise of 91% in formal protests that resulted in a decrease for single-family homes in Galveston Central.
- Protests over Galveston Central parcels surged in 2023, from 30% in 2022 to 36% the following year.
Save With O’Connor
Average HCAD Tax Savings

Average Property Tax Savings from Protesting (Informal + Formal)
Residential Property
Commercial Property
Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.
Single Family
Commercial / Other
Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.
Single Family
Commercial / Other
2023 County Appraisal District Statistics
Galveston -
Street Address:
9850 Emmett F. Lowry Expwy, Suite A Texas City, TX 77591 -
Mailing Address:
9850 Emmett F. Lowry Expwy, Suite A Texas City, TX 77591 -
Major Cities:
Bacliff, Dickinson, Friendswood, Galveston, Gilchrist, High Island, Hitchcock, Kemah, La Marque, League City, Port Bolivar, Santa Fe.
Galveston County Texas totals 211.72 square miles, with a 2020 population of about 53,695. Adjacent counties include Harris, Chambers, Gulf of Mexico, and Brazoria County. The total market value of real property and personal property in Galveston County in 2020 was $47,000,000,000. Galveston County 2020 property taxes are estimated to total $1,000,000,000 billion based on an effective tax rate of 2.4% including homestead exemptions. Galveston County property owners protested the notified value for 51,650 houses and 12,540 commercial and BPP properties. Galveston County Appraisal Review Board appeals were successful for 83% of the owners. Property owner property tax protests in Galveston County results in savings of $457,000,000 million in 2020, or $8,848 per account protested. The 2020 budget for the Galveston was $6,340,000 including 50 employees.
Galveston Property Tax Values