Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700
ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

FBCAD 2021 GIS / IT Summary

Taxes are determined using Fort Bend CAD's property valuations. The total value of the market amounted to $110 B on 2021, which comes to $2 B in property taxes. Fort Bend CAD's budget of $15 M is meant to support the valuation of more than 387,316 tax parcels and 221 tax entities.

Who Represents You?

With 100% of apartment owners and 94% of commercial owners protesting their taxes in 2021, you might be surprised that only 30% of homeowners appeal. You can be represented by one of the top tax consulting companies in the state so you don't have to protest your taxes alone. Protesting annually is important because you'll have a better chance of winning annually. Enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™ to get started today.

Fort Bend County Appraisal District GIS / IT Summary

Full-Time Staff for Mapping NA
Full-Time Staff for IT NA
Full-Time Staff for Customer Service NA
Number of Tax Parcels 387,316
$ for Contract Appraisal Services $110,000
$ Computer Aided Mass Appraisal Yes
$ GIS Local System
$ Aerial Photos Yes