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ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

Fort Bend County Appraisal District 2021 Salary Summary

The median salary of a Fort Bend appraiser is $61,924, and their highest non-chief appraiser is paid $76,127. For the review board, the median per diem is $190, though it ranges from $170 to $250. Total per diem payments amounted to $479,135 in 2021.

Who Represents You?

Commercial owners went ahead and appealed 94% of their property taxes and apartment owners appealed 100% in 2021. For comparison, homeowners only appeal 30% of their taxes. Powerful property owners know the secret: it works to appeal your taxes. You might be paying your fair share, but the Property Tax Protection Program™ is ready to change that. We represent more than 250K properties every year, and we can represent you. You'll never pay a dime unless we succeed!

FBCAD Salary Summary

Chief Appraiser Salary $195,000
Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Monthly Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser $900
Retirement Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Healthcare Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Median Salary for RPA Appraiser $61,924
Highest Salary for RPA Appraiser $76,127
Defined Benefit Plan? Yes
Lowest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $170
Median Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $190
Highest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $250