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Dallas County Appraisal District 2021 Utility Property Tax Summary

The duties of the Dallas CAD are to estimate the taxable value of property owned by every private utilities, including gas and electric companies. While utilities account for only 1% of the value of taxable property in the county, 53% of the value was protested in 2021. Very few utility accounts are advanced to a judicial appeal or a binding arbitration.

Who Represents Your Interests?

Only 22% of homeowners protest their property tax valuation. We can represent you at O'Connor to help you save money by protesting your tax valuation! Simply enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program, where up to 85% of annual appeals are successful. We'll review the CAD's initial valuation and immediately seek ways to protest their calculations. You don't have to pay a nickel unless we succeed!

DallasCAD Utility Property Tax Summary

Market Value Utilities $4,009,161,850
Number Utility Property Tax Protests 367
$ Value Utilities Protested $2,139,412,400
# Lawsuits Filed for Utility on ARB Values 0
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Utility Current Year $-