Property tax deadlines are not changing despite shelter in place orders due to Covid-19. Orders are in place for most of the largest counties in Texas. The exact order and specific exceptions vary by county. April 3 is a typical termination date. However, few expect the shelter in place to end April 3. Best case is two to four weeks after April 3. *EDIT: We know now this has been extended to April 30*
Texas property tax protest deadlines remain unchanged. Be sure to protest each of your properties by May 15, 2020. The deadline is not extended.
Most appraisal districts in Texas are closed to the public but working. Appraisal districts are not likely to reopen to the public until late April or May.
It is not clear if or how the Appraisal Review Board (ARB) hearings will be conducted. Covid-19 will likely impact our environment for 12 to 18 months. There were three waves of the Spanish Flu in 1918. There will likely be more than one pass of Covid-19. The three large waves of Spanish Flu, which originated from the same location, were: July 1918, November 1918 and March 1919. It occurred over nine months; not one or two.
ARB members are typically over 60, an at-risk group for Covid-19. In-person hearings with ARB members seem unlikely during 2020. ARB hearings will likely need to be virtual, or phone hearings, as provided by statute.
Property tax deadlines of April 15 for renditions and May 15th to appeal property taxes are not changed.
Protest deadline: May 15th
Rendition deadline: April 15th, extension available until May 15th
The reason these dates are not changing is the date to certify the tax rolls is July 20. Tax roll certification is a prerequisite to tax entities setting budgets and tax rates. The tax roll certification date will not be extended due to Covid-19. The tax entities have already decided it will not happen.
Most appraisal districts are closed and have on-line options.
O’Connor will handle over 200,000 property tax appeals this year in Texas. Reducing your taxes is our passion. Sign up online in 2 or 3 minutes, and we can take care of it for you.
Following are government and professional service exceptions for Harris County:
Essential Government Functions. All services provided by local governments and municipalities located in Harris County needed to ensure their continuing operation to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public, including law enforcement, jail operations and other services. Further, nothing in this Order shall prohibit any individual from performing “Essential Government Functions”. All Essential Government Functions shall be performed in compliance with social distancing requirements of six feet to the extent possible.
Professional services. Professional services, such as legal or accounting services, insurances (sic) services, and “real estate services” when necessary to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities or to further Essential Business, Essential Government functions, or Critical Infrastructure.
Most appraisal districts are operating but not open to the public.
O’Connor is working virtually with only a handful of people at the central physical office. The balance have converted to virtual and will likely remain so for an unknown period.
ENROLL TODAY In the Property Tax Protection Program™
Your property taxes will be aggressively appealed every year by the #1 property tax firm in the country. If your taxes are not reduced you PAY NOTHING, and a portion of the tax savings is the only fee you pay when your taxes are reduced! Many FREE benefits come with enrollment.
I’m 62 but on disability , when my mother passed in 2011 , I paid 2011 taxes but 2012 went to pay them they said they didn’t know my father had passed in 1975 that my mother shouldn’t have gotten the deductions she’d been getting so went back a few yrs. I didnt pay on them for a couple yrs.but with threat of auction on house started paying monthly what I could. I only make $1010.00 a month and after they said I wasnt paying enough. They had me paying $500.00 a month. But with interest and penalties I wasn’t getting anywhere. And doing without my medicine and food sometime. I can’t get house in my name because of taxes being owed. But still in tears because paying that much a month I couldnt afford to pay current taxes so they became back taxes. I was 16 when my father died I had nothing to with how it was handled. This is my home was bought when I was 2 and 62 now and they’re talking about auction again. I don’t want to lose my there anything I can do ? Please help me.
Thank you ,
Cheryl Cleveland
Hi Cheryl! Please provide a property address and we will research carefully. You may be exempt from property taxes.
Unfortunately, the title issues do complicate the matter. Will your siblings agree to put the property in your name?
We would like to help you and would not likely need to change anything.
Cell phone bill and food just a short time. Leaving with my daughter who is military. I lost my husband went from 2 income to 1. Came out here in Nov 2019 not planning on staying wanting to move to Texas still do. Trying to get help to move. Stimulus check as not come yet. My taxes were filed 2018 under both our names. 2019 I have not filed. No one to call no one to email to get help. My bank info as changed he is no longer on my acct. I need help.
Hi Rhonda! This is for federal taxes, which we don’t handle, unfortunately. I hope you are able to find some help with your issue.
We own a 1997 53 foot dry van trailer. Its 23 years old! We paid $9,000 in 1997. It is worth maybe $1,500 at best. It needs a $6000 floor in it DUE TO ITS ROTTEN. It was way over valued last year and we protested and it was lowered to $2,000 in value. I misplaced my tax statement this year and when I opened it up, it was past the protest deadline. I never in all my days knew a trailer could jump from $2000 to $35,000 in market value in a year! You can buy a brand new 2021 trailer for 28,350! Why would they increase the value of this trailer???? Its highway robbery! JUST RIPPING PEOPLE OFF!
Hi Stacey! Appraisal districts do a poor to terrible job of valuing these types of properties. They depreciate in value but appraisal districts do not correctly value them. They use the cost approach and either has too high a replacement cost or not enough depreciation.
You should file a 2525d correction error (value more than one-third over-valued). We would encourage you to send photos with the 2525d protest. Perhaps the appraisal district will roll it back to the prior-year value.