Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700

Our Approach

Cost Depreciation Approach Engineering Based Approach to Cost Segregation

O’Connor Cost Segregation team members typically utilize an engineering based approach to our studies which is the IRS preferred methodology. Our team will interface with you to answer all of your questions about cost segregation depreciation approach, and will assist you in determining if a cost segregation study will be of benefit to you. One of the key components in this process is a preliminary estimate of potential benefits.

Your O’Connor team will provide, at no charge and with no obligation, a preliminary analysis that will estimate approximate savings for your asset based on studies previously completed on similar assets.

our approach

…providing detailed cost allocations for the individual 5, 7 and/or 15 year classifications. ~O’Connor Cost Segregation

These results will include a firm cost quote, allowing you to project a payback ratio of savings versus study cost prior to making any commitment to continue.

Once the decision to proceed has been made, O’Connor team members will work closely with you and/or your CPA or financial/tax manager to collect existing data and documents regarding the subject property. To prepare your report, an appraiser inspects the property, identifying eligible items, then calculates their value and distributes each to its correct depreciation life, according to IRS rules and Federal Tax Courts decisions.

A final report is then issued, providing detailed cost allocations for the individual 5, 7 and/or 15 year classifications, along with the 39 or 27.5 year classifications. The latter are broken out into the nine “units of property” called out in the 2014 IRS Tangible Property Regulations.


Property Tax Protection Program Benefits