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Coryell County Appraisal District 2021 Salary Summary

Coryell Central Appraisal District median salary for a RPA appraiser is $41,600. Their highest compensated appraiser, other than the chief appraiser, is $52,000. The median ARB per diem is $100 with a range of $100 to $100 reported for 2021. Total per diem payments to members of the Coryell Central Appraisal Review Board in 2021 were $100.

Appraisers Represent the Appraisal District - Who Represent You?

Commercial owners appealed 53% of commercial value in 2021 and multifamily property owners successfully appealed 14% of value in 2021. However, homeowners only appeal 4%. There is a reason commercial and multifamily owners appeal annually; it works to reduce their property taxes. Most property tax protests are successful. If you own a home and are not protesting annually, you are paying more than your fair share. You don't have to own a huge property to get professional tax consulting services. O'Connor is representing the owners of about 250,000 properties in 45 states in property tax appeals in 2022. Enroll today in the Property Tax Protection Program. No flat fees. No upfront costs. Never pay anything unless we reduce your property taxes. Don't miss another deadline; enroll today.

CoryellCAD Salary Summary

Chief Appraiser Salary $94,000
Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Monthly Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser $500
Retirement Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Healthcare Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Median Salary for RPA Appraiser $41,600
Highest Salary for RPA Appraiser $52,000
Defined Benefit Plan?
Lowest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $100
Median Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $100
Highest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $100