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ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

Collin County Property Tax Protest - Apartments

Apartment and multifamily homeowners appealed 100% of their property taxes in Collin County in 2021. The total value of these properties increased between 2014 and 2021 from $6 B to $15 B. Total savings for every property type in Collin County amounted to $137 M in 2021. If you add savings from protests that were elevated to the courts, that's an additional $20 M.

Why Do 100% of Apartment Owners Appeal, and Only 24% of Homeowners Appeal?

Owners of apartments have watched the value of their properties skyrocket in value, and they make sure to protest 100% of their property taxes because it works to lower the taxes they owe. Only 24% of homeowners appeal, even though appeals are successful the vast majority of the time. Enroll in O'Connor's Property Tax Protection Program™ to lower your taxes. We'll never charge you a dime unless we win your case!

CollinCAD Apartments Property Tax Summary

Market ValueMultifamily / Apartments $15,971,054,766.00
Number Multifamily / Apartment Property Tax Protests 1,827
$ Value Multifamily/Apartment Protested $21,994,213,482.00
# Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily / Apartments on ARB Values 90.00
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily $4,01,55,77,206
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Multifamily Current Year $32,45,74,938