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Cameron County Tax Appraisal – 2021

As of now, Cameron Appraisal District has elected members to oversee the board of directors. The panel of executives are nominated by tax entities in which they represent. Furthermore, Cameron County contains over 42 tax entities such as cities, counties, schools, and special districts. Members of the panel have primary duties such as selecting the chief appraiser and approving a budget over 5.73 M dollars.

Interested in appealing your taxes?

You can represent yourself to file a property tax appeal. But if you cannot appeal on your own, let us do the job on your behalf. The enrollment fee is no cost; you do not miss another property tax deadline. You pay only if your property taxes are reduced.

Cameron County Appraisal DistrictProperty Tax Governance Summary

Number of Members on Board of Directors 9
How Many B of D Members are an Elected Official 0
Frequency of Board of Director Meetings 7
Does B of D have Legal Representation? Yes
Does Chief Appraiser Have Separate Legal Representation? No