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Cameron County Property Tax Protest - Apartments

The Cameron Appraisal District had 31% of its multi-family owners challenge their property taxes by value. In Cameron County, the total value of all apartments grew from $638 M in 2014 to $1.05 B in 2021. For apartment buildings, $326 M was protested, and there was a reported market value of $1.05 B. Property tax savings for all types, combined with informal hearings and appraisal review board proceedings, were estimated to save the County $9.42 M. Although the savings do not include judicial appeals, owners saved another $577,165 by appealing to the court.

31% of apartments owners vs. 5% of houses owners

Among multifamily properties, 31% appealed their values and 5% protested their residential properties. When it comes to property tax appeals, O'Connor can help even the odds by providing outstanding professional representation. There is no flat fee. There is no upfront cost. You will never pay anything unless your property taxes are reduced. In our Property Tax Protection Program™, we will assess your initial appraised value and all the evidence to best contest your taxes.

CameronCAD Apartments Property Tax Summary

Market ValueMultifamily / Apartments $1,055,353,532
Number Multifamily / Apartment Property Tax Protests 574
$ Value Multifamily/Apartment Protested $326,321,832
# Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily / Apartments on ARB Values 12
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily $67,646,696
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Multifamily Current Year $1,116,336