ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™
Brazos County Appraisal District 2021 Utility Property Tax Summary
Brazos County Appraisal District provides assessments for private utility company property such as electricity and gas. The 281 M dollar amount valued was about 1% of the county's taxable property in 2021. Yet, 85% of the utility value was protested. A judicial appeal or binding arbitration are rare in utility accounts.
Your interests should be represented.You may be able to appeal the market value or unequal appraisals based on the county appraisal district's initial value. If you are interested in lowering your property taxes, O'Connor will examine the county appraisal’s initial value. The majority of appeals work. Don't miss another protest deadline! Sign up now to get your property tax lowered. Remember, you only pay if your property taxes are reduced.
BrazosCAD Utility Property Tax Summary
Market Value Utilities | $281,730,808 |
Number Utility Property Tax Protests | 531 |
$ Value Utilities Protested | $239,519,796 |
# Lawsuits Filed for Utility on ARB Values | 0 |
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Utility Current Year | $0 |