Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700
ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

BexarCAD 2021 GIS / IT Summary

All of Bexar County's property taxes are calculated by Bexar CAD. In 2021, the total amount of taxable property in the country was $223 B. That means taxes numbered up towards $6 B. Bexar CAD's budget totaled $18 M in 2021, and that was to cover complete valuation of 66 tax entities (schools, cities, special districts, and MUDs). Most of the 721,063 tax parcels must be revalued every year.

Who Represents You in Tax Evaluations?

Can you believe 100% of multi family homes were protested and 82% of commercial properties, while only 21% of homeowners appealed. You should have someone representing you in your tax reduction protests. Appeal your tax valuation by enrolling in the Property Tax Protection ProgramTM. You won't have to pay a dime unless we win!

Bexar County Appraisal District GIS / IT Summary

Full-Time Staff for Mapping NA
Full-Time Staff for IT NA
Full-Time Staff for Customer Service NA
Number of Tax Parcels 721,063
$ for Contract Appraisal Services $70,000.00
$ Computer Aided Mass Appraisal $625,000
$ GIS $65,000
$ Aerial Photos $175,000