ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™
Bexar County Appraisal District 2021 Utility Property Tax Summary
Did you know that Bexar CAD also estimates the property value of private utilities, including gas and electric? Even though utilities account for only 0.3% of taxable property in Bexar County, 97% of the utility value was protested in 2021. Utilities account for $718 M out of $223 B of taxable property in Bexar.
Who Represents Your Interests? Only 21% of homeowners protest their property. Homeowners deserve to be represented just as well as utilities! If you enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™, you can be sure that you'll be included in up to 90% of other appeals that are successful through O'Connor. You won't ever have to pay flat fees or upfront costs. You'll only pay if we win and save you money! Don't worry about tax deadlines again with O'Connor.
BexarCAD Utility Property Tax Summary
Market Value Utilities | $718,080,460.00 |
Number Utility Property Tax Protests | 92 |
$ Value Utilities Protested | $698,685,920.00 |
# Lawsuits Filed for Utility on ARB Values | 2 |
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Utility Current Year | $- |