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Bell County Appraisal District 2021 Salary Summary

An analysis of the salaries of appraisers within the Bell County Tax Appraisal District has indicated that the median salary is $62,419. Among their appraisers, their highest-paid one makes $77,913. A per diem of $175 was paid to the members of the Bell County Tax Appraisal Review Board in 2021.

Do you have a representative who represents your interests?

The commercial sector appealed 62% of their value in 2021, while the multifamily sector appealed 73%. In order to lower their property taxes, commercial and multifamily owners appeal annually, and this is the main reason why they do so. There's a good chance of winning a property tax protest. When people do not protest their home values, they are paying more than their fair share of taxes on the house. Don't worry about whether or not you own a big house. Property owners across 45 states will be represented by O'Connor in 2022. With the help of the Property Tax Protection Program™, you can get your property tax protected from any future increases. It is a no-cost service unless we are able to lower your taxes. Get enrolled now before the deadline passes.

BellCAD Salary Summary

Chief Appraiser Salary $152,000.00
Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Monthly Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser $600.00
Retirement Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Healthcare Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Median Salary for RPA Appraiser $62,419.00
Highest Salary for RPA Appraiser $77,913.00
Defined Benefit Plan? Yes
Lowest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $175.00
Median Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $175.00
Highest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $175.00