Webb County Appraisal District 2021 Houses Property Tax Protest Summary
The Webb County Appraisal District obtained property tax protests from owners of $583 M of residential homes out of a total of $9 B, representing 6% of all residential properties. In general, more affluent homeowners tend to protest more than average homeowners. According to the appeals, 62% of commercial properties, 73% of multifamily properties, and 49% of utilities appealed by value. It is for this reason that they continue to appeal every year, as it is an effective method. Therefore, they keep doing it consistently every year.
Here's the secret.If you are able to protest your property taxes on a regular basis, you may save around 35-90% of the time. You as a property owner have the right, within a certain timeframe, to contest the value that the district sends out each year. In Webb County, you can appeal by yourself. However, if you do not wish to appeal alone, we’re here to help. Join our Property Tax Protection Program™ with our 39-year history of successfully protesting property taxes.
WebbCAD Houses Property Tax Summary
Market Value Houses / Condos / Townhomes | $9,258,023,120 |
Number Single Family Property Tax Protests | 2,361 |
$ Value Single Family (Homes, Condo, Townhome) Protested | $583,747,328 |
$ Value of Houses Resolved at Informal Protest | 1,199 |
# of Property Tax Protest Hearings for Houses (ARB) | 340 |
# Houses with Reduction at ARB Protest Hearing | 275 |
$ Reduction Houses at ARB Protest Hearing | $7,091,159 |
# Lawsuits Filed for Houses on ARB Values | 1 |
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Single-Family / Houses | $298,208 |
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Houses Current Year | $8,208 |