Nueces County Appraisal District 2021 Houses Property Tax Protest Summary
Nueces County Appraisal district employes 88 people, 45 of whom are appraisers. Their budget for 2021 is $8 M, and they have more than 210,549 properties to examine. This is a budget increase of 35% since 2013 when they worked with $6 M. Due to a significant number of valuations but hardly any appraisers in comparison, the district has been unable to inspect most properties personally, but counts on making assessments through aerial photography, giving ample opportunity to owners for spotlighting errors in the process, appealing based on property description, valuation model miscalculations, or comparable sales . In 2021, over $10 M was saved via by property tax appeals in Nueces County.
Are you in on the secret?Here's the secret: property owners who appeal their taxes every year will get a reduction more often than not. So, you have got to keep appealing every year if you want to lower your taxes. 65 to 85% of protests will succeed. After 39 years in business, have the approach down. If you don't want to protest alone, let us do it for you. Interested in joining our Property Tax Protection Program™? Let us take care of your property tax protests!
NCAD Houses Property Tax Summary
Market Value Houses / Condos / Townhomes | $20,259,930,005 |
Number Single Family Property Tax Protests | 10,467 |
$ Value Single Family (Homes, Condo, Townhome) Protested | $2,666,120,907 |
$ Value of Houses Resolved at Informal Protest | 5,027 |
# of Property Tax Protest Hearings for Houses (ARB) | 1,667 |
# Houses with Reduction at ARB Protest Hearing | 1,046 |
$ Reduction Houses at ARB Protest Hearing | $33,764,293 |
# Lawsuits Filed for Houses on ARB Values | 5 |
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Single-Family / Houses | $15,547,981 |
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Houses Current Year | $0 |