Midland County Appraisal District 2021 Houses Property Tax Protest Summary
Out of $13 B in property tax protests received by Midland Central Appraisal District, $1 B came from residential homeowners. A full 7% of Midland County’s residential notified values were protested. A higher proportion of expensive homes are protested than average value homes, while commercial, apartment, and utility owners protested much more. As a matter of fact, 37% of the owners of commercial properties filed protests with Midland Central Appraisal District in the year 2021. The appeal is made each year for the same reason; it is successful.
Interested in appealing your taxes?Almost every year, the appraisal district publishes updated values, and they remain unless you dispute. It is possible to contest it on your own with success, and if you do so on an annual basis, you will definitely be successful. During the 39 years I have been working in the property tax industry, I have found that few owners appeal on their own every year. Please let us be your advocate if you don't intend to protest on your own. We do not charge any upfront or flat fees for our services. If we do not reduce your property taxes that year, you will not have to pay anything. Enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™ today and you won't miss another property tax protest deadline.
MidlandCAD Houses Property Tax Summary
Market Value Houses / Condos / Townhomes | $13,370,433,773 |
Number Single Family Property Tax Protests | 3,003 |
$ Value Single Family (Homes, Condo, Townhome) Protested | $1,000,888,601 |
$ Value of Houses Resolved at Informal Protest | 1,077 |
# of Property Tax Protest Hearings for Houses (ARB) | 1,070 |
# Houses with Reduction at ARB Protest Hearing | 702 |
$ Reduction Houses at ARB Protest Hearing | $28,080,989 |
# Lawsuits Filed for Houses on ARB Values | 1 |
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Single-Family / Houses | $167,050 |
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Houses Current Year | $0 |