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Cameron County Appraisal District Chief Appraiser Summary - 2021

Cameron Appraisal District's chief appraiser receives $148,877 in income along with benefits. There are 38 appraisers employed by the district. Property owners in Cameron County were able to get successful tax reductions 40% to 60% of the time regardless of the number of appraisers. In 2021, over 133,616 property values were computed through what is known as the mass appraisal method. Since there are more valuations than appraisers, property owners have the advantage of appealing their taxes easily.

Property owners benefit from a small number of appraisers.

The total property tax appeals for Cameron Appraisal District in 2021 came to 215,055, or 15% of the value of all property in the county. If everyone was told not to appeal, it might be possible to work through them all. Due to the over 11,853 property tax protests filed, that would not work. Rather than having a lengthy and costly appraisal board hearing, most accounts are settled informally in order to shorten the process. Annually, O’Connor assists about 250,000 property owners with their tax appeals. Let's work together to lower your property tax. Today is the day to join our Property Tax Protection Program™.

Cameron County Appraisal District Chief Appraiser Summary

CameronCAD Chief Appraiser for 2021
Chief Appraiser Salary $148,877
Receive a car allowance? Yes
Monthly Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser $650
Retirement Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
Healthcare Package for Chief Appraiser? Yes
How Many Years has Chief Appraiser Served? 0