Brazos County Appraisal District Chief Appraiser Summary - 2021
Benefits and a total salary of $152,980 was paid to the chief appraiser of the Brazos County Appraisal District for his services in 2021. Even though Brazos County Appraisal District employs approximately 16 appraisers, property owners who protest property taxes are successful 40 to 60% of the time. By using a process known as mass appraisal, only 16 Brazos CAD appraisers generate over 143,711 property values a year! Usually, property owners can appeal the amount of property taxes they owe successfully because there are so many valuations relative to the small number of appraisers which can lead to errors.
Property owners benefit from a limited number of appraisers!Property tax appeals totaled 143,711 in 2021 for Brazos Central Appraisal District. Considering the fact that there are over 12,395 property tax protests, can they claim that their value is good and that nobody should appeal? There are just too many appeals to the appraisal review board for that to work. Many accounts are settled informally by the parties to avoid the time and financial expense of an appraisal board hearing. It costs nothing to enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program™, and you'll be well represented. The O'Connor Law Firm appeals taxes for approximately 250,000 property owners every year.
Brazos County Appraisal District Chief Appraiser Summary
BrazosCAD Chief Appraiser for 2021 | |
Chief Appraiser Salary | $152,980 |
Receive a car allowance? | No |
Monthly Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser | 0 |
Retirement Package for Chief Appraiser? | Yes |
Healthcare Package for Chief Appraiser? | Yes |
How Many Years has Chief Appraiser Served? | 13 |