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Midland County Central Appraisal District – 2021

Among the various tax protests that are filed by Midland County property owners, it is the Midland Central Appraisal Review Board which hears them. Though they appear to be independent from Midland Central Appraisal District, they receive checks from the organization. Combined informal and appraisal review board tax protest hearings in 2021 saved property owners $62 million, including $16 million due to appraisal review board hearings. It is estimated that 1,644 appraisal review board hearings were held in 2021 before the Midland Central Appraisal Review Board.

Companies of all sizes hire consultants on a regular basis.

The protests by the review board generated large amounts of savings in Midland County, which totaled $16 M in 2021, based on a $602 M value reduction at the ARB as a result of protests. Tax savings were generated by 70% of ARB protests. There has been a 66%-win rate for homeowners and a 78%-win rate for commercial / BPP owners in ARB protests. Property tax reduction is a priority for large property owners. Owners of multifamily properties appealed 100% of the value of those properties in 2021, while owners of commercial and business personal properties appealed 37% of the value of those properties. On the other hand, only 7% of home values are appealed annually, which is largely focused on those accounts with values above average. There is no need for you to have a mansion in order to be represented by a property tax consultant every year. Make sure you don't miss another deadline to file a property tax protest by signing up for the Property Tax Protection Program™ today.

Midland County Appraisal District Appraiser Summary

Number of Appraisal Review Board Members 13
Number New Appraisal Review Board Members 3
% of New Appraisal Review Board Members 23%
Number Returning Appraisal Review Board Members 10
% of Returning Appraisal Review Board Members 77%
Days of Hearings $59
Appraisal Review Board Budget $163,967
Lowest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $165
Median Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $165
Highest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem $165
Attorney Paid to Advise Appraisal Review Board Yes
Did Appraisal Review Board Retain Licensed Appraiser for Training No
On-line Protest System for Appraisal Review Board Yes