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ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

Hidalgo County Property Tax Protest - Apartments

Property tax protests by Hidalgo County apartment owners were filed for 67% of all apartments in their county. Over the past seven years, Hidalgo County's total apartment value increased 100%, from $1 B in 2014 to $2 B in 2021. The multifamily market value for 2021 in Hidalgo Central Appraisal District was $2 B, and protests for multifamily properties totaled $1 B. Due to the outcomes of both informal and appraisal review board hearings in Hidalgo County, property owners saved approximately $44 M in property tax payments in 2021. In this list, judicial appeals are not included. Moreover, Hidalgo County property owners earned $425,932 from judicial appeals in 2021.

Appeals from Residential owners versus appeals from Apartment owners.

There has been an increase of 110% in the value of apartment properties over the last five years. 67% of apartment owners filed appeals on their property values in 2021. Homeowners make up 17% of the tax roll, but only about a quarter of them protested. Make sure your odds are evened with the assistance of O'Connor’s services. There is no charge for a flat fee for the service, nor is there a downpayment or up-front fee associated with it. We only charge you a fee if we reduce your property taxes that year, so that is the only time you need to pay a fee. Upon enrolling in the Property Tax Protection Program™, you will be able to submit your protest to us. We will review the appraisal district's initial value and evidence that can be used to refute and reduce your taxes.

HidalgoCAD Apartments Property Tax Summary

Market ValueMultifamily / Apartments $2,362,935,729.00
Number Multifamily / Apartment Property Tax Protests 2,955
$ Value Multifamily/Apartment Protested $1,584,617,953.00
# Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily / Apartments on ARB Values 6.00
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily $35,879,162
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Multifamily Current Year $2,400,000