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Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700

El Paso Central Appraisal District’s

Local Appraisal District

O’Connor is selected as the property tax consultant more often than any other company in Texas because:

  • O’Connor’s aggressive approach to property tax protests uses every avenue available including informal hearings, ARB hearings, binding arbitration, SOAH (State Office of Administrative Hearing) and coordinating judicial appeals.
  • Based on conducting millions of tax appeals throughout Texas, we have developed an in-depth understanding of what is needed to reduce your property taxes.
  • You benefit from the millions of Texas property tax appeals completed by O’Connor, using comparable sales data and unequal appraisal data uniquely processed by our proprietary software. The hearing evidence file often totals 50 to 100 pages.
  • Due to our expertise, we have been able to gather sales and uneven appraisal data in a way that complies with the requirements set out by the El Paso County ARB and the El Paso CAD.

El Paso Central Appraisal District’s (CAD) formal and informal hearing results are displayed below:

  • The El Paso CAD total tax savings in 2022 of $44 million is more than the 2021 total property tax savings of $33 million. Property owners in El Paso County protested 435,900 accounts taxable value in 2022.
  • 84% of informal and 57% of Appraisal Review Board (ARB) property tax protested in El Paso County were successful. In El Paso, CAD, homeowners saved $3.47 million in ARB property tax protests and $5 million in informal protests.
  • In El Paso County, for Tax Savings from Formal Protests, there was a huge increase in total protests between 2021 and 2022 from 12 million to 24 million.
  • El Paso County property in 2020 was 5% of parcels protested and by the end of 2022 the amount of protests increased by 9%.
Save With O’Connor


Average HCAD Tax Savings

location marker

Average Property Tax Savings from Protesting (Informal + Formal)

View Savings

Residential Property


Commercial Property


Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.

Single Family

Commercial / Other


Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.

Single Family

Commercial / Other


2023 County Appraisal District Statistics



  • address

    El Paso

  • address

    Street Address:
    5801 Trowbridge Dr.El Paso, TX 79925-3345

  • address

    Mailing Address:
    5801 Trowbridge Dr.El Paso, TX 79925-3345

  • address


  • address


Major Cities:

Beaumont, Bevil Oaks, China, Groves, Nederland, Port Arthur, Port Neches, Sabine Pass

El Paso County Texas totals 1,015 square miles, with a 2020 population of about 865,657. Adjacent counties include Doña Ana County, New Mexico – northwest, Otero County, New Mexico – northeast, Hudspeth County, Texas – east, Guadalupe, Chihuahua, Mexico – south, Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico – southwest, Práxedis G. Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico – southeast. The total market value of real property and personal property in El Paso County in 2020 was $58,000,000,000. El Paso County 2020 property taxes are estimated to total $1,000,000,000 million based on an effective tax rate of 2.4% including homestead exemptions. El Paso County property owners protested the noticed value for 7,850 houses and 16,270 commercial and BPP properties. El Paso County Appraisal Review Board appeals were successful for 34% of the owners. Property owner property tax protests in El Paso County results in savings of $483,020,000 in 2020, or $20,034 per account protested. The 2020 budget for El Paso was $16,030,000 including 141 employees.

El Paso Property Tax Values

El Paso County

Average El Paso Property Tax Values


Average Texas Property Tax Values


Frequently Asked Questions

File a property tax protest by May 15th, or 30 days after Harris County Appraisal District sends a value notice, whichever is later. Protest both market value and unequal appraisal. Ask HCAD to provide a copy of the hearing evidence; they are required to provide it at no cost. Find neighborhood comparable sales which support a lower value. Find comparable properties that have a lower tax assessment and summarize them in a grid. Review the appraisal district property description that overstates the quality or quantity of improvements. Meet with the HCAD appraiser at the informal hearing to settle. If you do not receive a reasonable offer, present to the Harris County Appraisal Review Board. Protest annually for best results.

Harris County property tax bills are generally mailed in October or November for the current year. Property taxes are paid in arrears, so the bill in October 2023 is for calendar year 2023.

Harris County property tax bills can be paid online at the Harris County Tax Assessor Collector website. Harris County property taxes can be paid in person, by mail or online. Payments are due January 31.

Harris County property taxes can be paid in person, by mail / Fed Ex or online at the Harris County Tax Assessor Collector website. Property taxes are considered timely paid if paid online or send by mail by January 31. Large penalties and interest apply if property taxes are not paid timely.

Harris County property taxes are due January 31 or 30 days after the tax bill is mailed, whichever is later. Virtually all Harris County property taxes are due by January 31 and draconian penalties and interest accrue if taxes are not paid timely.