ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™
Collin County Appraisal District 2022 Salary Summary
The median pay for an RPA appraiser in the Collin Central Appraisal District (CAD) is $69,900. Other than the top appraiser, their highest paid appraiser makes $128,000. The median Appraisal Review Board (ARB) per diem is $200 with a range of $200 to $200 reported for 2022. In 2022, the total per diem payments made to Collin County ARB members were $47,530.
Appraisers Represent the Appraisal District - Who Represent You?
Appraisers Represent the Appraisal District - Who Represent You?
In 2022, owners of multifamily properties successfully appealed 64% of the value, while owners of commercial properties successfully appealed 77% of the value. But homeowners only make up 28% of appeals. Every year, owners of commercial and multifamily buildings file an appeal because it lowers their property taxes. You are paying more than your fair share if you are a house owner and you do not protest every year. It's not necessary to be a large property owner to hire a tax consulting expert. In 2022, O'Connor is handling property tax appeals on behalf of owners of over 250,000 homes throughout 45 states. Join the Property Tax Protection Program™ now, and you won't have to pay anything at all until your property taxes are lowered.
CollinCAD Salary Summary
Chief Appraiser Salary | $200,000 |
Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser? | Yes |
Monthly Car Allowance for Chief Appraiser | $900 |
Retirement Package for Chief Appraiser? | Yes |
Healthcare Package for Chief Appraiser? | Yes |
Median Salary for RPA Appraiser | $69,900 |
Highest Salary for RPA Appraiser | $128,000 |
Defined Benefit Plan? | Yes |
Lowest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem | $200 |
Median Appraisal Review Board Per Diem | $200 |
Highest Appraisal Review Board Per Diem | $200 |