The primary duty of the Taxpayer Liaison Officer (TLO) is to resolve conflicts between the appraisal district and the taxpayers.
Important responsibilities associated with the Taxpayer Liaison Officer are:
Professional treatment to clients/parties
- The Taxpayer Liaison Officer reports directly to the appraisal district’s board of directors and not to the chief appraiser. Their primary role is to resolve problems not addressed through the normal channels.
Researching and enhancing complaints in detail
- After getting adequate information from the complainant, the Taxpayer Liaison Officer researches the complaint with an objective of resolving any legitimate complaints. Subsequently, a report is submitted along with comments and suggestions to the appraisal district’s board of directors at their next meeting. The TLO is required to report on all complaints and whether or not they have been resolved.
Investigation and error management
- The Taxpayer Liaison Officer is responsible to investigate every complaint and attempt to resolve complaints.
- For disabled and impaired complainants — If the complainant is disabled or impaired and cannot produce a written complaint, the complaint should be recorded and the tape played for the board in the place of a written complaint.
Follow up
- If the complaint is not resolved prior to the next appraisal district board of directors meeting, the TLO is required to report on the issue until it is resolved. The resolution can be to accommodate the taxpayer or to conclude there is nothing the appraisal district can do. However, appraisal districts go the extra mile to resolve TLO complaints since they will be reported at the appraisal district’s board of directors meeting.
- A primary benefit of filing a complaint with TLO is appraisal districts are eager to resolve complaints prior to the issue being reported to the appraisal district’s board of directors. Complaints made to appraisal district staff tend to get lost in the bureaucracy; complaints to the TLO tend to get a favorable resolution.
- Call your local appraisal district to get the name, phone number and email address for the TLO.
ENROLL TODAY In the Property Tax Protection Program™
Your property taxes will be aggressively appealed every year by the #1 property tax firm in the country. If your taxes are not reduced you PAY NOTHING, and a portion of the tax savings is the only fee you pay when your taxes are reduced! Many FREE benefits come with enrollment.
I am still waiting on someone from your office to contact me regarding the reason my taxes were not protested for 2018 in Montgomery County, even though I had all the paperwork in place, etc.
Your firm did the same thing to me back in 2008 or 2009 when I owned property in Needville, TX. Said you were suing the Fort Bend appraisal district and that you would get back to me. After checking about 3 times and receiving the same answer, I finally gave up on that one. I will NOT give up on this one in Montgomery County!
Hi Douglas! Sorry you had that experience. If you would please email me your address or client number to, I will look into your case directly. Thank you.
I have used your services for several years now. Initially, I received a reduction. However, somewhere during the process, my square footage has incorrectly been increased. Apparently, my open covered patio and my two car garage square footage has been included. I have nowhere near 2795 sq .ft. living space. But, to prove it I will have to hire an appraiser that costs more than I can pay as a retiree. Upon my investigation, it was revealed that this square footage has been a part of my tax base since 2010. When I spoke with your representative, I was told you would do nothing to defend me. I admit, I should have reviewed the particulars instead of trusting my best interest was being met. Please help me prove the actual living space square footage in my home and have it corrected at HCAD.
Hi Judy! If you would please email me at, I would be glad to look into your account specifically and see what I can do. I would just need your address or client number. Thank you!