Did you know that reducing property taxes is a lot easier than you think?

how to lower property taxes how to reduce property taxThere are only 4 simple steps standing between you and lowering your property taxes to 50 to 80% of market value. It’s a shame that only 7% of property owners appeal their unfair values annually because that means that over 90% of property owners are overpaying the government! Wouldn’t you agree that you can spend your money better than the government can?

Here are 4 simple actions to take to help your appeal be as successful as possible.

Step One: Appeal your property taxes EVERY YEAR. This is important because the process can be arbitrary. If you fight to lower your taxes every year you have a greater chance of significantly reducing your taxes.

Step Two: Appeal to the highest level that is financially feasible. O’Connor & Associates files about two-thirds of the binding arbitration cases in the state of Texas and we also coordinate a large number of judicial appeals. By being as aggressive as possible and appealing to the highest level practical we’re able to lower tens of thousands of clients property taxes.

Step Three: Check the appraisal district‘s description of your property, and make sure it’s accurate, or at least that it doesn’t overstate the size or quality of your property. If it understates it, leave it alone.

Step Four:  Be aware that if you file a building permit it is most likely going to affect your property tax valuation. If a permit is filed as part of doing construction, it will probably affect your property taxes.

Bonus tip: Provide pictures, bids, and a property survey annually, to the extent practical. These are a great help in helping you, or us if you are a property tax client, to reduce your property taxes. Information provided even one or two, or 10 years ago, just really isn’t considered. It probably should be, but the reality is that’s how it works. If there’s deferred maintenance, pictures, and bids, and the property survey, annually can play an important role in reducing your property taxes.

You can easily save yourself hundreds or thousands by taking an hour of your day to appeal your property value. Be sure to file by the new May 15th deadline in order to do so. You can easily see if your property is being fairly assessed at the Fairness Checker, it’s free and easy to use.

Your property taxes will be aggressively protested every year by the #1 property tax firm in the country. If your taxes are not reduced you PAY NOTHING, and a portion of the tax savings is the only fee you pay when your taxes are reduced! Many FREE benefits come with enrollment.



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