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Sec. 83.011. DEFINITIONS.

In this chapter:

(1) “Biological advisory team” means three or more professional biologists retained to provide biological guidance to plan participants.

(2) “Endangered species” means a species listed by the United States Department of the Interior as endangered or threatened under the federal act.

(3) “Federal act” means the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. Section 1531 et seq.), as amended.

(4) “Federal permit” means a permit issued under Section 7 or 10(a) of the federal act.

(5) “Governmental entity” means a political subdivision of the state, including:

(A) a municipality; and

(B) a county.

(6) “Habitat conservation plan” means a plan or program to protect endangered species by habitat preserves or other protection strategies developed in order to obtain a federal permit:

(A) that does not require the regulation of non-habitat preserve land; and

(B) for which the land to be used as habitat preserves, at the time of application for the federal permit:

(i) is owned by a plan participant; or

(ii) is subject to a contract agreed to by each owner of land in the habitat preserve or proposed habitat preserve providing that all or part of the owner’s land be used or managed as a habitat preserve.

(7) “Habitat preserve” means land set aside or managed for the protection of endangered species under a federal permit.

(8) “Harm” means significant habitat modification or degradation that, by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding, sheltering, or migrating, is the proximate cause of:

(A) the death of a member of an endangered species; or

(B) the physical injury of a member of an endangered species.

(9) “Land development standards” means rules or ordinances regulating the development of land, including impervious cover limitations, building setbacks, zoning, floor-to-area ratios, building coverage, water quality controls and regulations, landscaping, building height, development setbacks, compatibility standards, traffic analyses, driveway cuts, impact fees, and transfer of development rights. The term does not include fire or building codes or restrictions on the withdrawal of groundwater.

(10) “Mitigation fee” means a charge or in-kind contribution that is based on the amount of harm and is paid or provided to a plan participant in exchange for mitigation credit to be used to comply with the federal act.

(11) “Plan participant” means a governmental entity that develops, attempts to develop, adopts, approves, or participates in a regional habitat conservation plan or habitat conservation plan.

(12) “Regional habitat conservation plan” means a plan or program to protect endangered species by habitat preserves or other protection strategies developed in order to obtain a federal permit that requires the acquisition or regulation of land or interests in land not owned by a plan participant at the time of application for a federal permit.

Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 1268, Sec. 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.

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