Every year, your property is tax-based on its value as determined by a county assessor, who analyzes a variety of details before delineating a fair, accurate property value quote. In Houston, Texas, property values are assessed every year in accordance with a measure passed in 2012.

This allows for the most accurate appraisals, taking into account several factors, including new replacement costs, depreciation, and land value. This allows homeowners to be taxed in the fairest way possible.

According to the Harris County Appraisal District office, located on Northwest Freeway, this also allows homeowners to have the most current knowledge of their home’s value. This means that every year, you should receive a notice of the appraised property value of your home.

This notifies you of current value and clearly states the taxes owed on your property. When you don’t receive the notice on time, it can make for stressful situations. Whether you simply wish to remain well informed, or are contemplating protesting your assessment, receiving your notice of appraised property value is vital.

In some years, the delivery of this notice has been delayed, making homeowners worried about missing the deadline for paying taxes – and then being charged a penalty fee. If this happens to you, remember that there are three options for accessing your notice. So what should you do if you don’t receive your notice?

Step 1 – Calling the Local Assessor’s Office

The first step could be to call your local assessor office. For Houston, Texas, this would be the Harris County Appraisal District office, located on Northwest Freeway. You can visit their website for a phone number to call, and then simply request that another notice be sent out.

Step 2 – Reaching Out By Phone or Mailing a Letter

If you can’t reach someone by phone, try sending an email to specific administrative personnel whose information is displayed on the website. You can also write a letter and mail it to the address listed, requesting a duplicate notice be sent out immediately.

Step 3 – Contacting the Mortgage Company

When this doesn’t work, you do have another option – your mortgage company. Many times, the property tax owed annually is simply paid by your mortgage company, who then bills you for the amount monthly until the tax is paid off. Calling the bank that services your mortgage can give you another resource in receiving that notice of appraised property value as soon as possible.

The great news is that you aren’t responsible for your notice being mailed late. According to the ABC local news center, when you receive the notice, take a look at the postmark. If it was mailed after January 10th, you have until February 28th to pay the taxes, with absolutely no penalty or late fee being assessed. You may want to speak with someone from the appraisal office to clarify that you received your notice late, just to ensure that all your bases are covered.

These are three steps to take when you don’t receive your notice of appraised property value. No one likes paying taxes, but receiving information on property that you own is important, and something you shouldn’t put off. Follow these steps to receive your notice any time it is late, and avoid the stress of not being sure what to do in the future.

If you need further information on what to do if you do not receive your notice, contact O’Connor today. One of our property tax experts will be able to address any concerns you may have.

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